Experience The Effortless Body Transformation Of Celebrities Without Breaking The Bank...

Experience The Effortless Body Transformation Of Celebrities Without Breaking The Bank...

Using An All-Natural, Forgotten Herb Known As “Nature’s Ozempic”!

As you flick through the pages of glossy magazines…

Or scroll through your favorite social media app…

You can’t escape it.

Picture after picture…

Proof after proof of celebrities flaunting their jaw-dropping transformations…  

All thanks to the miracle of Ozempic.

Easy for them right?

Because at $1,200 a month (not to mention the relentless bills from doctor’s visits)...

Ozempic is a luxury only for celebrities and the elite.

And for “normal people” like you and I, we’re left missing out.


But what if there was a way to get similar results to Ozempic…



And most of all, affordably?

Because this was the exact question that we asked ourselves at VoomVaya.

We believe God has blessed us with everything we need on this Earth to solve our problems naturally.  

And after months of testing and re-testing…

We can finally, confidently say:

“YES! Mother Nature does offer an alternative to Ozempic!”

So What Is “Nature’s Ozempic”?

It all starts with this simple, unassuming herb called “barberry.”

But don’t let its simplicity fool you…

From the stem and root bark of barberry, comes a natural extract: berberine.

Berberine is Nature’s Ozempic…

Because it works and creates results very similar to Ozempic!

So How Does “Nature’s Ozempic” Work?

Both Ozempic and berberine increase insulin sensitivity to reduce blood sugar levels.1,2 

See, when our body needs energy, it will first consume sugar and then fat… 3

In that exact order.

So by reducing the amount of sugar in our blood…

The body has no choice but to break down fat and start using that as energy.4

And so day by day, it chips away from the inside at all that fat stored in our belly and thighs.


On top of that, another great benefit of increased insulin sensitivity is…

Reduced appetite and sugar cravings! 5,6,7 

So not only is your body constantly breaking down more fat around the belly and thighs…

But you also end up eating a lot less as well!

With this double-action approach, it’s obvious weight loss is bound to happen.


When you consider that both berberine and Ozempic work in this way…

It’s no wonder why berberine is called Nature’s Ozempic…

And why it’s been absolutely exploding with popularity on social media…

With millions of views and hundreds of men and women seeing phenomenal results!

But There’s A Problem With All These Berberine Supplements…

Notice the people using the product?

The success stories?

All younger women.

Or men.

Very few, if any, middle-aged women are seeing success…

Which is probably why you may not have heard about Berberine until now.

The truth?

None Of These Were Designed For Menopausal Women

Like so many other supplements and solutions out there…

The berberine you see touted on social media are run-of-the-mill, stock standard, mass produced supplements.

And do NOT take our hormonal challenges during menopause into account!

That’s why we had to step in at VoomVaya.

To create something specific for the perimenopause and menopausal community…

Something with YOU in mind!

And after testing and perfecting the formula for the past few months…

It gives me great pleasure to be…

Introducing ReSculpt - “Nature’s Ozempic” For Perimenopause & Menopausal Woman

ReSculpt is completely different to any other berberine supplement on the market…

Because it’s the first berberine supplement designed for YOU, the menopausal woman.

Starting with the highest quality berberine we could obtain…

Extracted from the barberry root and leaves…

We modified the capsule and developed a balanced twice a day dosage.

You may have seen other brands flaunt a “convenient once-a-day capsule”... 8,9 

But this is wrong!

And just proves these companies don’t create things with us menopausal women in mind!

Our fluctuating estrogen levels can cause insulin levels to fluctuate…10

It’s better during menopause to have a twice a day dosage, with lunch and dinner…

To give us a more even, more balanced spread throughout the day.


Next, we added 3 critical ingredients into the formulation…

To increase the effectiveness of berberine and counterbalance the hormonal effects of menopause.

It may not look like much…

But these 3 synergistic ingredients are the entire reason why ReSculpt will work for you, while others may fail.

Shilajit Extract

Shilajit Extract is an organic resinous substance formed by the decomposition of plants in the pristine Himalayan Mountains!11

But don’t let its strange source fool you. Shilajit has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine and as Forbes reports, “Shilajit is gaining popularity in the U.S. due to its numerous purported health benefits”.12

And especially so for menopausal women!

See, Shilajit helps regulate the production and release of hormones, promoting optimal hormonal balance.13

By balancing the fluctuating hormone levels that happen during menopause, Shilajit helps provide a more stable environment for berberine to work.


The second critical ingredient is Chromium, another naturally occurring mineral found in meat, whole grains, vegetables, fruits and nuts.

Firstly, Chromium is a powerful appetite suppressant. In a study by Louisiana State University, women taking Chromium daily had a notable decrease in hunger levels and fat craving, which as you may expect, results in reduced food intake and body weight.14

Secondly, it helps improve the body’s response to insulin.15 Since berberine already makes you more sensitive to insulin, when combined with Chromium, it gives you a HUGE synergistic boost!

Alpha-Lipoic Acid

The third and final ingredient is Alpha-Lipoic Acid. It’s an organic compound your body naturally produces, but is also found in a variety of foods.

Alpha-Lipoic Acid has two primary actions to help with weight loss: it increases glucose metabolism and increases insulin sensitivity.16

Excess glucose (aka sugar) gets stored as fat in our body, so by increasing glucose metabolism, Alpha-Lipoic Acid helps to reduce the formation of fat.

And by increasing insulin sensitivity, it amplifies the effects of berberine, helping to produce even faster and better results!

Here’s How ReSculpt Can Help You:

Multi-action approach to accelerate your weight loss 17

Promotes the breakdown of stored fat, including the belly and thighs 18

Gives your body a huge body-sculpting edge…

Slashes hunger cravings so you never overeat or reach for a guilty snack ever again…… 19

Helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels… 20

Supports the metabolism and provides hormonal balance 21

Simple twice a day dosage - no messy or painful injections needed!

Made from natural barberry herb, bitter melon fruit and banaba leaf!

ReSculpt VS The Others

All It Takes Is One ReSculpt Capsule Twice A Day

Take 1 capsule twice a day, with your lunch and dinner.

ReSculpt will immediately help control the sugar spike that comes with each meal…

Increasing the breakdown of stored fats…

And reducing any cravings for an afternoon or midnight snack.

Results start as soon as 7 days…

As you notice a drastic decrease in sugar cravings, hunger and bloating…

With visible weight loss benefits by the end of first month…

And the BEST results by the third month.


But more importantly, I’m sure you’re wondering…

How Effective Is It Compared To Ozempic?

It might be obvious to say this…

But the truth is, despite being “Nature’s Ozempic”, berberine is not the same as Ozempic.

After all, berberine is a natural solution…

So it can’t have the potency of a man-made synthetic drug like Ozempic.

But that also means it doesn’t have the nasty side effects as well.


It’s also important to remember the purpose of natural treatments:

To support the body holistically, allowing it to heal from the inside out.

It’ll take more time to work than Ozempic…

But a more gradual, healthy weight loss is better for you in the long run anyway.


Not to mention the cost!

Where a single dose of Ozempic can run you for $1,200 a month to lose 5-12 pounds… 22

Berberine produces a typical result of losing 2-4 pounds a month. 23


Sure, losing 2-4 pounds a month is not as impressive as 5-12 on Ozempic…

But when you consider it’s an all natural solution…

That is injection-free…

With significantly less side effects…

Doesn’t require a visit to the doctor every month…

And is LESS THAN 5% the cost of Ozempic…

Seems like a no-brainer right?

With Results Like This, No Wonder Women Call It “Nature’s Ozempic”

My Cravings & Bloating Have Decreased

"I noticed an improvement with my hot flashes within a couple of weeks. They were more manageable and not as intense. Another unexpected result was my cravings and bloating have decreased. I am truly impressed with this product, I highly recommend it!*"

- Edith*

I Lost At Least A Pound

"I lost at least a pound, I think I was fluid initially.

Everything is fitting loser. A pound is a pound and I''ll take it*"

- Deborah C*

Less Bloating And Felt Lighter After Just A Few Days

"I noticed less bloating and felt lighter after the first few days I would recommend it for anymore looking to improve their gut and digestive health!*"

- Sonya*

Bloat Was Gone And Was Feeling Less Fatigue

"Within a few days, I noticed the bloat was gone and was feeling less fatigue.

It helped with appetite suppression and gave me an overall lighter feeling*"

- Sara L*

Noticed A Change In My Appetite Withing The First Few Days!

"I noticed a change in my appetite within the first few days! I wasn't hungry and avoided grazing while making meals. This has also eased my sluggishness. Love that it's all natural too!*"

- Kristy*

Less Cravings & I Feel Lighter

"I noticed less cravings the first few days and I feel lighter. Overall I feel like I lost a few pounds from a decrease in appetite and had less bloating plus a bit more energy.*"

- Jess*

I Feel I Have More Energy and Bloating Is Reduced Considerably

"I feel I have more energy. I just feel generally better without being jittery. Bloating is reduced considerably, so I'm already very happy with this product."

- Teresa M*

It Works... Truly Amazed!

"I noticed that I have been eating less and less and I drink water LOTS of water to keep me full. I AM AMAZED how this is really helping me. For me, it has been nothing short of a miracle.*"

- Francine*

My Appetite Significantly Decreased

"Not only was my appetite significantly decreased I felt better overall sort of like my metabolism was more even and my body utilized what I ate more efficiently.*"

- Andrea*

Curbs My Appetite Drastically

"For me it curbs my appetite drastically and stops impulse buying junk food. It also helps with blood sugar, unlike with dieting alone I don’t get “hangry” which is amazing.*"

- Lisa*

Reduced My Bloating And Decreased My Cravings

"I’ve only been using resculpt for a few days but I’ve already notice positive change. I’ve noticed a decrease in my cravings for sugar and sweets, and I’ve also seen a reduction in bloat around my tummy! I’m impressed! I would highly recommend Resculpt to anyone looking for a product that can deliver results… especially to people over 40!*"

- Keisha*

Less Bloating and Less Appetite

" My Experience in the first couple of days was less bloating, and I have less of an appetite.*"

- Deb P*

Reduced Bloat, Less Cravings, And A Feeling Of Being "Lighter"

"My experience so far has been reduced bloat, No stomach pain after meals, less cravings, a feeling of being "lighter". I feel very good especially at bedtime when my struggles usually present themselves.

- Renee W*

I Lost 7 Pounds... I Feel So Amazing!

" I am not only 7 lbs down, I feel so amazing. More energy, better sleep and no sugar cravings at all. It has been great.*"

- Marcia*

Sugar Cravings Gone!

"I have no sugar cravings and my appetite is right down. I could not recommend this enough to any who really struggles with food and weight loss.*"

- Gloria*

But that’s not all…

ReSculpt Is 100% American Made From Start to Finish

Like all of VoomVaya’s products, ReSculpt is made here, right in the USA…

In a GMP-certified, FDA-regulated facility!

Made in the USA is the only way we can be confident that each batch is rigorously tested to meet our nation’s high standards of health regulations.

We would never risk your health with cheap products from China, India…

Or some other far away country on the other side of the world…

So even though the entire process and cost of ingredients is more expensive for us…

We want only the best for you.

On top of that:

ReSculpt is GMO-free, Gluten-free, Sugar-free, Caffeine-free and Vegetarian-Friendly…

But There Is A Problem…

With the demand for Berberine growing crazy thanks to social media…

And because we’ll only accept the highest quality ingredients…

Our supply chain is struggling to keep up.

So although we have in our hands…

A ground-breaking formula for an all-natural, effective replacement for Ozempic…

The problem is we literally cannot get our hands on enough raw ingredients.


Any other time and we would have months of stock…

But right now, we’re limited to a small run of just 200 bottles.

Which means…

ReSculpt Is Only Available On A Very Limited Run…

With just 200 bottles available…

And literally hundreds of women already on the waitlist…

ReSculpt is going to sell out - fast!


On top of this... because of the restrictions and limited availability of the raw ingredients…

Once We Sell Out… The Next Batch Won’t Be Ready For Another 3 Months

Which is why to be completely fair to everyone…

We’d had to make the hard decision:

ReSculpt Is Only Available On A First Come, First Serve Basis

No special favors.

No reservations.

No second chances.

These 200 bottles of ReSculpt are available on a strictly first come, first serve only.

And once they are out, they’ll be out for 3 more months.

So if you don’t want to be the person who walks into the store after the shelves have been cleaned out by everyone who got there before you…

I highly recommend you grab at least 3 bottles today…

Or sign up for the ReSculpt Subscribe & Save plan…

Because we completely expect to be sold out in the next 2-3 days.

Which is no surprise…

Especially when you consider just 1 capsule twice a day…

Promotes the breakdown of stored fat, including the belly and thighs

Gives your body a huge body-sculpting edge…24

Slashes hunger cravings so you never overeat or reach for a guilty snack ever again…… 25

Helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels… 26

Supports the metabolism and provides hormonal balance 27

Simple twice a day dosage - no messy or painful injections needed!

Made from natural barberry herb, bitter melon fruit and banaba leaf!

But Here’s The Good News…

As a valued VoomVaya customer…

You deserve to be rewarded for your loyalty!

I’ve managed to arrange a very special deal for you…

So you too can experience the life-changing results that so many women using ReSculpt have already started seeing.

Women like Jess, Kristy, Edith, Keisha and more…


So despite our very limited run of ReSculpt…

You Qualify For A Major Discount on ReSculpt

Now it’s important I explain…

ReSculpt normally retails for $49.99 per bottle.

Which is more than fair considering every bottle contains 60 capsules…

Making it less than $1 per capsule! But when you stop for a moment and…

Remember, ReSculpt Is Designed For Perimenopause & Menopausal Women

It’s completely different to any other berberine supplement on the market!

What you’re getting with ReSculpt is not just another stock standard, mass produced supplement…

But one created with YOU in mind!

And when you factor in the extra Bitter Melon and Banaba Leaf we added…

To support your hormonal needs…

And increase the effectiveness of Berberine…

$49.99 is actually a very fair price per bottle!

But because you're an existing VoomVaya customer…

And because we believe your loyalty deserves to be rewarded…

I want to give you the absolute best bargain you’ve ever seen.

If you promise to order right now…

I can give you a special introductory price that’s an INSTANT 30% OFF the price...

Making each bottle of VoomVaya’s ReSculpt only $35!

On top of this…

I’ve also negotiated for you a substantially discounted autoship plan!

So if you sign up for the ReSculpt Subscribe & Save Plan…

Each bottle of ReSculpt is ONLY $28 per month!

Literally HALF off the R.R.P!

(Like I said, we believe customer loyalty deserves to be richly rewarded! ❤️)

But that’s not all…

If You Don’t Lose Any Weight In The Next 60 Days…
We’ll Refund You EVERY PENNY!

That’s how confident we are in ReSculpt!

So here’s the deal:

We’re giving you a FULL 60 days to TRY ReSculpt and experience the results for yourself…

That’s TWO WHOLE months.

And if by the end of these 60 days you haven’t lost ANY weight…

Just email us at and we'll issue you a COMPLETE refund!

Making ReSculpt a complete, risk-free, no-brainer!

So the way we see it…

Worse case scenario, ReSculpt doesn’t work for you and you get 100% of your money back…

Best case scenario, ReSculpt works for you and you now have in your hands, an effective, natural, injection-free “Nature’s Ozempic”!

The choice is clear.

So despite our very limited run of ReSculpt…

So Choose The 6 Bottle Package (Or Any Other Package Of Your Choice) While Stocks Last!





+ $25 USD Shipping Inclusive of Taxes & Duties


Total Price: $60.00

60-Day Money Back Guarantee





+ $25 USD Shipping Inclusive of Taxes & Duties


Total Price: $181.00

60-Day Money Back Guarantee





+ $25 USD Shipping Inclusive of Taxes & Duties


Total Price: $118.00

60-Day Money Back Guarantee

All transactions are secure and encrypted

But remember, because we have such a limited run of ReSculpt…

To be fair to everyone…

So Choose The ReSculpt Subscribe & Save Plan (Or Any Other Package Of Your Choice) While Stocks Last!





+ $10.95 USA Shipping


Total Price: $46.95

60-Day Money Back Guarantee





FREE US Shipping

minimum 2-month commitment

60-Day Money Back Guarantee

Free Shipping!
(Valued at $10.95)

*For US Customers Only*





FREE US Shipping


Total Price: $96.00

60-Day Money Back Guarantee

Free Shipping!
(Valued at $10.95)

All transactions are secure and encrypted

But remember, because we have such a limited run of ReSculpt…

To be fair to everyone…

ReSculpt Is Only Available On A First Come, First Serve Basis

Which means: No reservations. No holds. No special treatment.

Once they’re gone, they’re gone.

And there’s nothing I can do about it.

So if you come back and check this webpage again tomorrow…

And you see a giant “OUT OF STOCK” notice…

Then unfortunately, just like everyone else, you’ll have to wait 3 months for it to come back in stock again.

Go Ahead And Order ReSculpt Today While Stocks Last!





+ $25 USD Shipping Inclusive of Taxes & Duties


Total Price: $58.00

60-Day Money Back Guarantee





+ $25 USD Shipping Inclusive of Taxes & Duties


Total Price: $181.00

60-Day Money Back Guarantee





+ $25 USD Shipping Inclusive of Taxes & Duties


Total Price: $112.00

60-Day Money Back Guarantee

All transactions are secure and encrypted

Go Ahead And Order ReSculpt Today While Stocks Last!





+ $10.95 USA Shipping


Total Price: $46.95

60-Day Money Back Guarantee





FREE US Shipping

minimum 2-month commitment

60-Day Money Back Guarantee

Free Shipping!
(Valued at $10.95)

*For US Customers Only*





FREE US Shipping


Total Price: $96.00

60-Day Money Back Guarantee

Free Shipping!
(Valued at $10.95)

All transactions are secure and encrypted


What is ReSculpt? 

ReSculpt is a berberine supplement designed specifically for YOU, the menopausal woman.

By using the best quality berberine, and enhancing its effectiveness by adding 3 synergistic ingredients: Shilajit Extract, Chromium and Alpha-Lipoic Acid, ReSculpt helps you maintain healthy blood sugar levels, reduce cravings and lose weight.

What are the benefits of ReSculpt?

  • Promotes the breakdown of stored fat, including the belly and thighs
  • Gives your body a huge body-sculpting edge…
  • Slashes hunger cravings so you never overeat or reach for a guilty snack ever again…
  • Helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels…
  • Supports the metabolism and provides hormonal balance Simple twice a day dosage - no messy or painful injections needed!
  • Made from natural barberry herb, bitter melon fruit and banaba leaf Made in the USA

How do I use ReSculpt?

Simply take 1 capsule, twice a day with lunch and dinner.

How long will it take before I see some benefits? 

Every woman is different so results can vary, but generally speaking benefits can be seen after the first 7 days, as you notice a drastic decrease in sugar cravings, hunger and bloating.

Visible weight loss benefits start by the end of the first month with the best results by the third month.

What are the potential side effects?

The most common side effects for ReSculpt are digestive related. Such as an upset stomach, constipation and diarrhea.

Some women who are more sensitive to its effects can also experience nausea, headache and vomiting.

If you experience any side effects, we recommend you speak to your doctor as soon as possible.

Can I take this if I’m on other medication? 

As ReSculpt works by balancing blood sugar levels, it can interact with other prescription medications designed to lower blood sugar.

It can also interact with medication for high blood pressure.

If you are currently taking other medication, or have any complicated medical conditions, we recommend you speak to your doctor before starting.

Can I use ReSculpt long term?

Generally speaking, the best weight loss results are achieved around the 3 month mark.

So we recommend taking ReSculpt for up to 6 consecutive months then taking a break for 1-2 months to reassess the results.

Do you offer a money back guarantee?

Yes, of course! Like with everything you purchase on VoomVaya, you are always protected by a 60-Day Money Back Guarantee. If ReSculpt does not help you as promised, simply send an email to and we’ll issue a complete refund.

Do you ship worldwide?

At this stage, we only ship to the USA and Canada.


  1. "Therapeutic Potential of Semaglutide, a Newer GLP-1 Receptor ...." 1 Jun. 2022, Accessed 7 Nov. 2023.
  2. "Efficacy of Berberine in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes - PMC - NCBI." Accessed 7 Nov. 2023
  3. "Fasted cardio is an attempt to burn stored fat - UCLA Health." 6 Jan. 2021, Accessed 7 Nov. 2023.
  4. "Physiology, Glucose Metabolism - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf." 17 Jul. 2023, Accessed 7 Nov. 2023.
  5. "Berberine for Appetite Suppressant and Prevention of Obesity - PMC." 12 Dec. 2020, Accessed 7 Nov. 2023.
  6. "Effects of once‐weekly semaglutide on appetite, energy intake ...." Accessed 7 Nov. 2023.
  7. "Insulin Resistance and Hunger in Childhood Obesity - NCBI." 7 Sep. 2017, Accessed 7 Nov. 2023.
  8. " Luma Nutrition Berberine Supplement - Amazon." Accessed 7 Nov. 2023.
  9. "Nutrivein Premium Berberine HCL 1200mg Plus Organic Ceylon ...." Accessed 7 Nov. 2023.
  10. "Estrogen Improves Insulin Sensitivity and Suppresses ... - NCBI." Accessed 7 Nov. 2023.
  11. "Shilajit" - Accessed 6 June. 2024.
  12. "Shilajit: Health Benefits, Uses And Dosage", Accessed 6 June. 2024
  13. "Shilajit: A Natural Phytocomplex with Potential Procognitive Activity" - NCBI, Accessed 6 June. 2024
  14. "Effects of Chromium Picolinate on Food Intake and Satiety - NCBI." Accessed 25 Jan. 2024.
  15. "The influence of chromium chloride-containing milk to glycemic control of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial"- NCBI. ""
  16. "Alpha-Lipoic Acid and Glucose Metabolism: A Comprehensive Update on Biochemical and Therapeutic Features" - NCBI, Accessed 16 June. 2024.
  17. "Berberine protects against diet-induced obesity through regulating ...." 14 Mar. 2017, Accessed 7 Nov. 2023.
  18. "Berberine for Appetite Suppressant and Prevention of Obesity - PMC." 12 Dec. 2020, Accessed 7 Nov. 2023.
  19. "Berberine attenuates fructose-induced insulin resistance by ... - NCBI." 12 May. 2020, Accessed 7 Nov. 2023.
  20. "Efficacy and Safety of Berberine Alone for Several Metabolic Disorders." 26 Apr. 2021, Accessed 7 Nov. 2023.
  21. "Targeting Metabolic Consequences of Insulin Resistance in ... - NCBI." 2 Apr. 2020, Accessed 7 Nov. 2023.
  22. "Berberine is being called 'nature's Ozempic': Here's what to know." 28 Jun. 2023, Accessed 7 Nov. 2023.
  23. "Berberine is being called 'nature's Ozempic': Here's what to know." 28 Jun. 2023, Accessed 7 Nov. 2023.
  24. "Berberine for Appetite Suppressant and Prevention of Obesity - PMC." 12 Dec. 2020, Accessed 7 Nov. 2023.
  25. "Berberine attenuates fructose-induced insulin resistance by ... - NCBI." 12 May. 2020, Accessed 7 Nov. 2023.
  26. "Efficacy and Safety of Berberine Alone for Several Metabolic Disorders." 26 Apr. 2021, Accessed 7 Nov. 2023.
  27. "Targeting Metabolic Consequences of Insulin Resistance in ... - NCBI." 2 Apr. 2020, Accessed 7 Nov. 2023.

Phone: 833-592-1938
10685-B Hazelhurst Dr. #24530
Houston, TX, 77043, USA’s claims to support menopause comes from medical studies as well as anecdotal experiences of customers. The products and the claims made about specific products on or through this site have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging.

You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. You should consult with a licensed healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem.

The testimonials represented are genuine reviews. Some names and identifying details may have been changed to protect the privacy of individuals. Some reviewers have received compensation in exchange for their review.

We do not guarantee the accuracy of's information as health and medicine is an evolving field of study, and we are not responsible for how you interpret or apply it. If you are struggling with serious problems, including but not limited to menopausal symptoms, chronic illness, mental instability, or legal issues, please consult with your local registered health care or legal professional as soon as possible. Please also carefully read the full "Terms of Service".

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