Finally, The World’s First Scientifically-Backed Menopause Tea With 7 Super Nutrients Proven To Help Reduce Bloating And Cramping... Starting From The First Cup!

MenoSlim is the perfect blend of ancient herbs and botanicals that work together to help eliminate excessive bloating, cramping and stress caused by menopause.

Every women knows that once you reach the age of 45, it’s like your menopause switch instantly turns ON…

And seemingly overnight, you’re constantly fighting painful bloating in your belly, hands and face…

That can make you look and feel 5, 10, even 20 years older!

Typically, doctors turn to prescription medications, laxatives and diuretics…

While these can provide temporary relief, many come with a long list of dangerous side effects…

But more importantly…

They fail to target all three pathways involved in bloating during menopause.

Which is why we created MenoSlim tea.

By marrying the knowledge of ancient herbal traditions with the principles of modern science, we’ve created an entirely natural solution to finally ‘beat the belly bloat’ and eliminate cramping and pain fast.

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MenoSlim Is The First Ever Tea For Menopausal Women Designed To Target All Three Pathways Of Bloating To Eliminate Bloating And Cramping Caused By Changing Hormones...

The magic behind MenoSlim Tea is achieved by combining menopause-smart minerals with ancient botanicals to target all 3 pathways involved in bloating:

Balancing hormones

Detoxifying the body

And reducing stress

All the targeted ingredients inside MenoSlim tea go to work immediately, so that you can start eliminating bloating and cramping shortly after you take it.

Many women who drink MenoSlim tea notice the difference in as little as 2-3 days!

Plus, our unique formulation is based on thousands of years of healing traditions, combined with the best that modern science has to offer.

Each gluten-free serving supports the healthy balance of hormones, gut health and stress reduction.

And to ensure the highest quality, every batch of MenoSlim tea is carefully blended right here in the USA and rigorously tested to ensure that it’s free from pesticides and other contaminants.

7 World-Class Super Nutrients To Help Eliminate Bloating Fast…

Dandelion Leaf

First we included Dandelion Leaf which has been scientifically studied to reduce bloating, water retention and promote the breakdown of fat and cholesterol1.


Then there’s Rooibos, which is packed with antioxidants aspalathin and quercetin. Together, these antioxidants help lower inflammation, calm your gut and reduce bloating caused by excessive inflammation2.

Black Cohosh and Licorice Root

We also included Black Cohosh and Licorice Root, two superfoods that help reduce inflammation related issues such as bloating, hot flashes, and mood swings.

Cardamom and Matcha

And to ensure your hormones are working the best they can, MenoSlim tea also includes Cardamom and Matcha, two natural metabolism boosting nutrients to support weight loss and reduce excessive bloating around the belly.

Ginkgo Leaf

And lastly, there’s Ginkgo Leaf, which is scientifically tested to support memory, mental clarity and increased blood flow to the ovaries, helping them work more efficiently.

Thousands Of Women Are Finally Living Happily Without Bloating!*

Thousands Of Women Are Finally Living Happily Without Bloating!*

(Individual results may vary)

I Feel Like I’m In My 20’s Again!

"Within days of starting the TeaTox, I began to notice that I felt happier and more energetic. As I continued, the bloating stopped. Once I finished the detox and began drinking the MenoSlim Tea, DRASTIC changes happened"

The night sweats stopped. My mood swings were a thing of the past. I saw my mid-section transform from flabby to fabulous!

My skin has regained its elasticity and my complexion has gone from dull and blotchy to smooth and vibrant! I feel like I'm in my 20's again ---just because I drink a cup of all-natural, great-tasting tea every day! I feel better than I have in years! I've regained my confidence, energy, and I feel like myself again. Did I mention it's great-tasting and natural?"

- Amy*

I Lost 10 Pounds! This Really Helps Boost My Self Esteem

"It helped me a lot by first cleaning my system and stopping the bloating around my stomach area. Both teas taste great and I only used honey. I lost ten pounds! This really helps boost my self-esteem and... overall I feel better. I am happy I found a tea that actually works and is natural."

- Edwana R.*

I Have Lost 9 Pounds!

My bloating is completely gone. My hot flashes have disappeared and I feel more grounded. At this point I have lost 9 pounds and I hope to drop 5 more. It has been a great month and I hope to continue to drop weight and feel better. Looking at the pictures is just jaw dropping for me. How could I change so much in 30 days. This has inspired me and I plan to take pictures throughout my journey to document the drastic changes."

- Natalie*

My Bloating Has Reduced and My Energy Has Increased

"I started with TeaTox for 14 days to jumpstart my metabolism and have been drinking their MenoSlim Tea every morning for the past few weeks. I have definitely experienced difference in my mood and my body.

Not only have I noticed a reduction in bloating and increase in energy, but I also feel more emotionally steady throughout the day. Calmer and more serene.

Even better, this tea tastes really good! Thank you, this tea is definitely a winner!"

- Allison*

My Belly Bloating Is So Much Better

"I am feeling so much better already. I was suffering from weight gain, especially around my abdomen area and I've always had a flat stomach prior to going through menopause. I was also suffering from hot flashes, mood swings, and low energy. I've noticed that my belly bloating is much better, as well as other symptoms. I'm excited to continue on this path and to continued health benefits. I am very thankful for this healthy and delicious option to help with the symptoms of menopause."

- Teresa*

* Every body type is different so results experienced may vary and cannot be guaranteed. While their results are exceptional and not typical, women who use weight loss supplements in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise generally can lose up to 1 pound each week. These women were compensated with free tea in exchange for their honest review.

Supplies Of MenoSlim Tea Are Going Fast

We only make MenoSlim tea in small batches to ensure quality control.

We use a proprietary extraction and blending process to ensure better absorption and every batch is tested for purity and safety.

Now this rigorous manufacturing process is exactly why it’s the best and purest menopause tea available on the market...

But it’s also why there is only a certain number of pouches available!

As A Result, Our Smartest Customers Always Order 6 Pouches Or More At A Time…

This lets them stay stocked up, in case of short supplies.

We’re so grateful that so many people trust MenoSlim tea for their health and wellbeing.

But this rise in popularity has put a serious strain on how much we can produce at a given time.

This makes out of stocks a very real issue.

So if you do see out of stock anywhere above or below, we’re sorry, you’ll have to wait.

But if you don’t - count yourself lucky, because MenoSlim tea may run out any minute...

You Risk Nothing By Trying MenoSlim Today!

The only risk is not trying.

Because when you're constantly bloated, moody, and tired, you miss out on the best moments in life…

But that doesn’t have to be your reality though!

Because, today, for the first time in a long time, you can take back control over your health and bloating by ordering your own supply of our MenoSlim tea.

And by this time next week you could be drinking your first cup...

Then in just a week, you could start to see the life changing results in your body…

And feel what it’s like to live bloat free.

Just like when you were younger!

Remember, you’re covered by a 60 money-back-guarantee.

Which means that if you aren’t completely thrilled with the results, you can simply get a refund. No questions asked.

So please, I beg you to claim the 6 pouch package of MenoSlim tea right now for the biggest savings…

Because at any moment we could run out and you’ll lose your chance.

Click the orange 'One Time Purchase' button below now and give yourself the bloat-free life you deserve!

Order The 6 Pouch Package Of MenoSlim Tea Now For The Biggest Savings!

Right now, MenoSlim Tea is available at a substantially discounted multi-pouch plan.

All purchases are a ONE-TIME ORDER ONLY. You will not be charged again next month as there is no recurring billing or hidden charges.




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Why Should You Try MenoSlim Today?

  • Rigorous testing for quality and safety. Carefully blended in the USA, MenoSlim tea is batch tested to ensure that it’s free from pesticides and other contaminants.
  • Fast- Acting - MenoSlim tea goes to work as soon as you take your first sip, so that you can get relief as fast as possible.
  • Only natural ingredients - MenoSlim tea ingredients are 100% non-GMO and contains no fillers.
  • One-Time Purchase - Don't worry, you’re not locked into a subscription (we hate that as much as you do)
  • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee - love it or get all of your money back

Every Purchase Of MenoSlim Supports The American Economy

MenoSlim tea is carefully crafted and packaged in the beautiful state of Arizona.

So you can take comfort in knowing everything from our ingredients…

To the teabags and packaging meets our great nation’s high standard of health regulations.

Meet The Doctor Behind MenoSlim tea…

Dr Kimberly Langdon, M.D, is a retired, board-certified OB-GYN (obstetrician-gynecologist), who’s spent the last 19 years of her working life specializing in women’s health and helping tens of thousands of women free themselves from symptoms of menopause.

As product and science consultant, Dr Kimberly Langdon, M.D has helped to shape this perfect solution for women looking for a simple solution to beat bloating and balance their hormones naturally.

Order The 6 Pouch Package Of MenoSlim Tea Now For The Biggest Savings!

Right now, MenoSlim Tea is available at a substantially discounted multi-pouch plan.

All purchases are a ONE-TIME ORDER ONLY. You will not be charged again next month as there is no recurring billing or hidden charges.




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Join Thousands of American Women…
Freeing Themselves From Menopausal Symptoms With MenoSlim Tea!*

I Have Lost My Bloat, My Stomach's Flat Again & I Look Great In My Yoga Pants!

"Since drinking this tea, I have lost my bloat, my stomach's actually flat again and I look great in my yoga pants which is one of my biggest concerns. Drinking MenoSlim has really been a life-changer for me. Honestly, I can also tell you that I don't have the brain fog that I was having. And I found that I'm having more energy during the day. So, drinking MenoSlim has made me feel energetic again, clear-minded and definitely flat-stomached!"*

- Cynthia*

Bloating Has Reduced & I Feel Happy Again

"I'm feeling upbeat, my night sweats and hot flashes are gone. I sleep well through the night. This has definitely helped me with my menopausal symptoms. I've lost 2 pounds so far and this has reduced bloating."*

- Shelley*

My Stomach Is Not Bloated Anymore

"At first, the only thing I noticed was a decrease in hot flashes. But now that I've been drinking it every morning for 6 weeks, I have noticed other changes as well.

I have lost a few pounds, I have more energy, my hot flashes are basically gone, and my stomach is not bloated anymore. This tea has a pleasant taste that I enjoy drinking every morning. I recommend it to all women during menopausal years."*


I Am Amazed How Flat My Tummy Has Gotten In Days

"I have been taking this for 14 days and I am amazed of how amazing the results are. This tea definitely helps with the bloating and I am amazed how flat my tummy has gotten in days🙏😍😍😍😋 I feel way more alive than I have in the last two weeks before using this product... I actually wake up every morning looking forward to each sip of this wonderful delicious tea. The smell is so amazing but taste is to die for👌😝🥰"

- Monica*

My Pants Fit Better, My Face Is Not As Puffy As It Was

"My pants fit better, my face is not as puffy as it was. I am perimenopausal and these helped me so much! One positive thing is I didn't have a hot flash... and no side effects. If you want to lose weight... Take it, you're gonna see the biggest difference."

- Christina*

I Lost 21 Pounds All Because Of This Tea!

"After drinking the TeaTox, I started to feel lighter, better and I already lost 2 pounds.

Then I started drinking MenoSlim and lost 19 more pounds! My body has shape again! Super love the taste. Highly recommend!"*


To Say I’m Thrilled With Menoslim Tea Is An Understatement!

"To say I’m thrilled with Menoslim tea is an understatement! I am now on day 15 of the Menoslim tea and have lost 3 pounds already. This is huge for me! 3 pounds in 2 weeks. That would have taken a month or more previously! My hot flashes have been decreased to less than one, mild flash daily, and I am sleeping better. I use the Menoslim tea as the liquid base to my morning shake. It’s easy and delicious! I am so thankful for these products!"*


I Am Down 13 Pounds

"I am a 60-year old post-menopausal woman and the weight gain and the BELLY FAT I gained during menopause is beyond belief. I started to feel like I could gain weight in my sleep. It's been a real struggle so I decided to try MenoSlim. I can honestly say I physically felt the TeaTox working during the first two weeks. It was amazing. I then continued on with the MenoSlim Tea and have been drinking it for a few weeks now. I am down 13 pounds but, in full disclosure, I also buckled down on my eating habits and started a consistent exercise regimen again. I am feeling so much better about myself"*

- Camille*

Thank You For Making Me Feel Good About Myself!

"When I found Menotypes MenoSlim tea I was skeptical but, decided what do I have to lose? I did the TeaTox and I have now moved to the MenoSlim tea. I love it! I am happier now. Hot flashes are shorter. I am not so bloated. I am not so moody! Which my family loves. Thank you for this amazing tea. I am telling all my lady friends to try it. Thank you again for making me feel good about myself!"*


My Muffin Top Is Gone!

I had crazy mood swings (beyond what you may believe) and I started drinking the MenoSlim detox/weight loss tea. It works! My muffin top in the photo shows it no doubt about it.

- Mila*

Everything That It Says It's Gonna Do, It Does

"I have no complaints. Everything that it says it's gonna do, it does do it. Has it helped greatly with my hot flashes? Has it helped greatly with my night sweats? Yes! I feel great. I can definitely see my weight loss. I have reached my goal weight. My fat back is not as bad as it used to because it used to be like three rolls."*


For Menopausal Weight Gain, This Worked!

"For menopausal weight gain, this worked! The taste was great. The best bonus for me? I also wasn't jacked up all day. The teatox did not hit in the middle of the night, nor was it harsh on my system. My weight loss was altogether 11 lbs. Weight loss is hard for me. I am so thankful for the tea that I love and it works."*


After My 14 Day TeaTox I Lost 10 Pounds!

"Before Menoslim I had such a pouch in my belly. 6 months ago I gained 10lbs because of pandemic. Nov 16, after my 14 day teatox I lost that 10 lbs. I was shocked how fast it came off. I weighed 130, now my new weight is 120. My husband is amazed!!!"*


I Lost 7 Pounds And My Clothes Are Fitting Again Since I Started Menopause!

"My first picture was taken before Christmas and my second was taken right after Valentine's. I noticed that the pounds were catching up to me as I was struggling with menopause and I had gained extra pounds and was now the heaviest I had been since pregnant 21 years ago!

I knew I had to make a change to do it quickly! I have one cup every morning. I noticed when I drink the tea I'm not as hungry for lunch right away and I have lost 7 pounds! My clothes are fitting again since I started menopause!"*


See The Difference It Made

"When I started drinking the Menoslim Tea, I noticed right away how it curbed my appetite. Then, I started to notice how my temperature was more normal. I wasn’t going from being extremely cold to extremely hot all the time. It wasn’t until my husband said you seem happier lately that I realized my moods were not all over the place. I also lost weight, not just a little weight either. I am continuing to lose weight too. My before picture was me at 147lbs. In my after photo I weigh 133. I had only taken the tea for a few weeks at that time. You can see the difference it made."*

- Jacqueline*

My Fiancé Kept Saying I Was Losing Weight

"I didn’t notice the weight loss at first, it was my fiancé of 14 years who kept saying I was losing weight. Then I went to the doctor for a check up and I was 17 pounds lighter! I recommend this to anyone who is wanting to lose weight and get rid of any menopausal symptoms!"*


*Every body type is different so results experienced may vary and cannot be guaranteed. While their results are exceptional and not typical, women who use weight loss supplements in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise generally can lose up to 1 pound each week. These women were compensated with free tea in exchange for their honest review.

Order The 6 Pouch Package Of MenoSlim Tea Now For The Biggest Savings!

Right now, MenoSlim Tea is available at a substantially discounted multi-pouch plan.

All purchases are a ONE-TIME ORDER ONLY. You will not be charged again next month as there is no recurring billing or hidden charges.




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Frequently Asked Questions

What is MenoSlim Tea?

MenoSlim Tea is a delicious, natural herbal tea containing scientifically studied ingredients that help women to burn body fat, and support adrenal gland health.

This tea blend was specially formulated to help women with erratic hormone levels achieve hormonal balance.

What are the benefits of MenoSlim Tea?

  • Helps promote metabolism and burning of fat
  • Helps reduce bloating
  • Assists hormonal balance
  • Helps reduce hot flashes and night sweats
  • Helps improve energy and supports memory
  • Helps reduce brain fog
  • Helps to stabilize your mood

What is the 14-Day TeaTox?

The 14-Day TeaTox is designed to kick start your weight loss journey, by helping to flush out toxins, reduce bloating and give your body a fresh start.

By promoting metabolism and gently stimulating digestion, you may find yourself going to the toilet a bit more frequently during this time as you give your body a cleanse.

How often do I need to take the TeaTox?

For your first time taking MenoSlim Tea, start with the 14-Day TeaTox, then as soon as you finish that, transition over to the MenoSlim Tea.

After the first time, you can use it again after 3-4 months, or whenever your body feels like it needs another detox.

We recommend no more than 1 TeaTox every 3 months.

How long will it take before I see some benefits?

Some people feel (and see) health benefits within days, but generally speaking, most women see the biggest difference after the 14-Day TeaTox, while using the MenoSlim Tea as a long term fat burning effects are seen. We recommend trying the MenoSlim tea for at least 2 months after usinhg the Teatox.

Do your teas taste good?

Yes! No matter how good for you the ingredients are, we know that if you’re drinking a tea it must taste good.

Which is why with all our teas, we added a delicious natural fruity flavoring to it, giving you the most intoxicating and delicious fruity tea you’ve ever had. You can also add fruit, honey, or other flavoring for a delicious twist.

Will I experience any side effects?

Every care has been taken to ensure the safest possible product and whilst the vast majority of women do not report many issues, every woman is different and it may be possible to experience some side effects.

For both MenoSlim Tea and TeaTox, the most common side effects are mild stomach aches, headaches, nausea and mild diarrhea. If this happens to you, we recommend brewing your tea bag for just 1-2 minutes (instead of the full 5-7 minutes) and gradually increasing as your body adjusts.

If you experience any other side effects or have any other concerns, we recommend speaking to your doctor before starting either tea.

Can I take this if I’m on other medication?

Both the 14-Day TeaTox and MenoSlim Tea are organic and natural, and gentle on the body.

But because of how powerful some of these ingredients are, if you have estrogen dominance or a family history of cancer, we recommend you speak to your own doctor about before starting.

If you have any complicated medical conditions, or are concerned about safety in your specific circumstances, we also recommend you speak to your doctor before starting.

Who should not use TeaTox or MenoSlim Tea?

Both MenoSlim Tea and TeaTox Booster should only be used by women going through menopause. Therefore, we do not recommend consumption by men, children, pregnant or breastfeeding women.

If you are taking any prescription drugs, have a medical condition, or if you have been treated for breast cancer or any other hormone dependent cancer, we recommend you speak to your doctor before trying either MenoSlim Tea or TeaTox Booster.

For California Residents

NOTICE: This product contains Senna Leaf. Read and follow instructions carefully. Do not use if you have or develop diarrhea, loose stools, or abdominal pain because Senna Leaf may worsen these conditions and be harmful to your health. Consult your physician if you have diarrhea or if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition.

Does this product contain nuts?

While we ensure that careful manufacturing practices are followed at all times, this product is manufactured and processed in a facility which may also process peanuts and tree nuts.

Can I drink these teas long term?

MenoSlim Tea was designed to be taken long term. In fact, the longer you drink MenoSlim, the better the results can be, since you are supporting your body's natural ability to reduce fat

As for the 14-Day TeaTox, we recommend no more than 1 TeaTox every 3 months.

I don’t like hot tea, how else can I drink this?

That's the great thing about MenoSlim Tea! It's specially formulated to be extremely flexible.

If you don't like hot tea, drink it as a refreshing cold tea. Or chop up some of your favorite fruits, and turn it into a healthy fruit mocktail!

Do you ship worldwide?

At this stage, we only ship to addresses within the USA.

Do you offer a money back guarantee?

Yes of course. Like with everything you purchase on VoomVaya, you are always protected by a 60-Day Money Back Guarantee.

If MenoSlim Tea does not help you as much as you'd like, simply send the unfinished product back to us, and we’ll issue a complete refund.

I'm still not sure... What should I do?

Then give us a try, because after all, you're completely covered by our 60 Day Money Back Guarantee.

Meaning you can try it for the next 60 days and if it doesn't meet your expectations, simply send the rest back and get a full refund. Which means there's absolutely no financial risk in trying!


Replace Your Usual Cup of Tea With MenoSlim Tea To Kickstart The Menopausal Weight Loss Journey Today!




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  1. “The diuretic effect in human subjects of an extract of Taraxacum officinale folium over a single day” by Bevin A Clare, Richard S Conroy, Kevin Spelman, 2009
  2. “Structure-antioxidant relationship of flavonoids from fermented rooibos” by Nicole Krafczyk, Franziska Woyand, Marcus A Glomb, 2009

Phone: 833-592-1938
10685-B Hazelhurst Dr. #24530
Houston, TX, 77043, USA

Voomvaya .com’s claims to support menopause comes from medical studies as well as anecdotal experiences of customers. The products and the claims made about specific products on or through this site have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging.

You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. You should consult with a licensed healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem.

The testimonials represented are genuine reviews. Some names and identifying details may have been changed to protect the privacy of individuals. Some reviewers have received compensation in exchange for their review.

We do not guarantee the accuracy of Voomvaya .com's information as health and medicine is an evolving field of study, and we are not responsible for how you interpret or apply it. If you are struggling with serious problems, including but not limited to menopausal symptoms, chronic illness, mental instability, or legal issues, please consult with your local registered health care or legal professional as soon as possible. Please also carefully read the full "Terms of Service".

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