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7 Helpful Herbs for Menopause and Weight Gain

Wednesday, March 01 2023
by Lisa Johnson

Are you feeling the heat of menopause and the frustration of stubborn weight gain?

Well buckle up because in this post, I'll be sharing 7 incredible herbs that can help ease those pesky menopause symptoms and help you win the battle against the scale.

So let's dive in and discover how these plant-based superstars can help you look and feel like your best self again!

1. Rooibos

Say goodbye to hot flashes and mood swings! Rooibos is packed with antioxidants that can help alleviate menopausal symptoms, leading to improved mood, energy levels, and better sleep1,2. With this herb on your side, you'll feel balanced and joyful once again.

Rooibos is a caffeine-free herb with a deliciously sweet and nutty flavor, making it a healthy alternative to sugary drinks3.

2. Dandelion Leaf

Looking to reduce bloating and shed a few extra pounds? Dandelion leaf may be just the herb you need!

This powerful plant can help promote the breakdown of fat and cholesterol while also reducing bloating and fluid retention, helping you feel lighter and more comfortable.

Dandelion leaf is a natural diuretic that can help reduce bloating and water retention. It's also been shown to promote the breakdown of fats and cholesterol in the body, potentially aiding weight loss and improving heart health.2

Fun fact: Dandelion leaves are a great source of vitamins and minerals, including vitamins A, C, and K, as well as calcium, iron, and potassium.

3. Ginkgo Leaf

Ginkgo Leaf is a powerhouse herb that can help alleviate the cognitive symptoms of menopause, such as forgetfulness and difficulty concentrating.

By improving blood flow to the brain, this herb can boost memory and cognitive function, helping you stay sharp and focused throughout the day.

Ginkgo Leaf can be consumed as a tea, supplement, or in traditional Chinese medicine (where it’s been used for its numerous health benefits for thousands of years).

4. Cardamom

Spice up your life with cardamom! This fragrant spice has been shown to reduce hot flashes and boost mood in menopausal women.

It's also a natural anti-inflammatory agent, helping to ease joint pain, and can boost metabolism - helping your body burn more fat and calories.

Fun Fact: Cardamom is the world's third most expensive spice, after saffron and vanilla.

5. Black Cohosh

​​This herb has been used for centuries to ease hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, and vaginal dryness, allowing you to feel more comfortable and in control.

Black Cohosh is a perennial herb native to North America, and its roots have long been used for medicinal purposes.

Fun Fact: Black Cohosh was used by Native American tribes for various ailments, including arthritis, coughs, and snake bites.

6. Licorice Root

Indulge in a sweet treat that can also ease your menopause symptoms!

Licorice root contains compounds that mimic the effects of estrogen in the body, making it a great natural alternative for women experiencing hormonal changes.

Say goodbye to hot flashes, mood swings, and irritability, and hello to a more balanced and relaxed you.

Fun Fact: Did you know that licorice root is also used as a natural remedy for digestive issues? Its soothing properties can help calm an upset stomach and ease indigestion.

7. Matcha

Need an energy boost without the jitters? Matcha contains caffeine and a unique amino acide called L-theanine, which work together to give you sustained energy and focus throughout the day.

Plus, its unique antioxidants called catechins can help increase your metabolism, leading to more fat burning.2

Fun Fact: Did you know that Matcha was originally used by Buddhist monks in Japan to help them stay alert and focused during long periods of meditation?

Now that you know what the 7 most helpful herbs for menopause and weight gain are, I’m sure the next question on your mind is…

How Effective Are They At Reducing Menopausal Weight Gain?

Well, a picture tells a thousand words, so please meet Amy.

When we first met Amy, she struggled with menopause!

She had just turned 51, and for the last 7 years, had literally been tortured by menopause.

She was constantly bloated…

Would sweat for no reason…

And had the most unbearable night sweats.

But worst of all was the weight gain!

In her own words…

“When I turned 50, the nightmare got worse. I gained 20 pounds, had no energy to do anything, my digestive system turned on me, and my skin began to sag.

The spare tire around my mid-section along with the dullness and acne on my face was the last straw.”

Like many women, Amy tried it all:

  • all kinds of fad diets like Paleo, Keto, Atkins, you name it
  • swimming, walking and crazy gym routines
  • supplements like glucomannan, garcinia and other words unpronounceable words
  • even popping prescriptions medications despite their nasty side effects

Nothing worked!

But fast forward to today, and after introducing these 7 herbs into her daily routine…

I lost 20 pounds!

The night sweats stopped. My mood swings were a thing of the past, and I saw my mid-section transform from flabby to fabulous! I lost 20 pounds, the entire spare tire around my tummy! I've regained my confidence, energy, and I feel like myself again.

- Amy B.

Quite the before and after, isn’t it?

And yes, while Amy’s case is extraordinary, she’s by no means an outlier.

To show you it’s not a fluke, please meet Sandy.

Sandy had just turned 57, and like Amy, had been struggling with menopause for about 5 years now.

After using the same herbs, Sandy was ecstatic to share with us:

I’ve lost 22 pounds!

Wow, that's never happened before. I didn't know I could lose that much weight. I was topping about 148 on the scales some days. At the doctor's office, I weighed 134, I was like, whoo! I haven't weighed this since I was in my 30's

- Sandy B.

After seeing these women’s success, Lorelie jumped at the chance to try these herbs for herself:

I lost 9 pounds!

After drinking the teas, I started to feel lighter, better and I lost 9 pounds! My body has shape again! Super love the taste. Highly recommend!"

- Lorelei

Even Edwana, 46, who had just started perimenopause saw fantastic results:

I lost 10 pounds!

It helped me a lot by first cleaning my system and stopping the bloating around my stomach area. Both teas taste great and I only used honey. I lost ten pounds! This really boosts my self-esteem and... overall I feel better. I am happy I found a tea that actually works and is natural.

- Edwana

And finally, here’s Monica, who was also going through perimenopause and desperate for a natural solution:

I am amazed how flat my tummy has gotten in days!

I have been taking this for 14 days and I am amazed of how amazing the results are. This tea definitely helps with the bloating and I am amazed how flat my tummy has gotten in days🙏😍😍😍😋. I actually wake up every morning looking forward to each sip of this wonderful delicious tea. The smell is so amazing but taste is to die for.  

- Monica

With literally hundreds of success stories from women all over America, there’s plenty more success stories we could share showing how effective these herbs are…  

But right now, you probably have a more important question:

Why Do These Herbs Work So Well?

Because they help to balance hormone fluctuations… thereby addressing the root cause of menopausal weight gain!  

See, during the stages of perimenopause and menopause, our ovaries start to decline and produce significantly less estrogen and other hormones.

This decrease in estrogen level causes all of the menopause symptoms we feel. From the hot flashes and night sweats, to the anxiety and moodiness…

And of course, increased weight gain!

So most of the weight gain problems we’re facing right now boils down to low estrogen levels. 

Using herbs like Black Cohosh, Licorice Root and Ginkgo Leaf supply the body with plant based estrogens and support ovarian function to help balance the low estrogen levels.

When our hormones are balanced, THEN weight loss can happen!

And that’s where Rooibos, Cardamom, Dandelion Leaf and Matcha come in…

They help boost the body’s metabolism to naturally burn more body fat, reduce bloating and increase energy levels.

But There’s A Problem…

“Where do I even get all these herbs” right?

Unfortunately, you can’t just buy them from the closest pharmacy or health food store…

At least, not in the right form or amount.

And even if you could, it’d cost an absolute fortune to buy 7 different herbs.

Not to mention how challenging it’d be to measure the correct dosage and prepare the raw ingredients!

After all, even with a team of chemists, formulators and expert tea sommeliers, it took us years of research and experimentation to finally create a perfectly balanced blend of herbs.  

A blend that helps restore hormonal balance, reverse years of menopausal fluctuations…

Promotes the body’s metabolism to finally start shedding that menopausal weight gain…  

Is a convenient, all-natural and organic solution…  

But most of all, is an affordable option everyday perimenopausal and menopausal women can rely on!

All 7 Helpful Herbs In One Convenient, Affordable, Easy-To-Use Product Crafted With Care In Arizona, USA 🇺🇸

Introducing MenoSlim tea - the all-in-one natural remedy for your menopause and weight gain worries!

  • Helps detox and flushes toxins out of the body body so women feel fresher, lighter and more energized 1
  • Helps accelerate natural fat burning to help reshape the body, including the belly and thighs 2
  • Helps reduce bloating for a flatter tummy so women can only feel but LOOK different, sometimes in a matter of days! 3
  • Helps relieves hot flashes, night sweats and mood swings by restoring hormonal balance 4,5
  • Contains all 7 helpful herbs carefully blended and packaged right here in the USA in a FDA approved facility in Arizonaus

Experience These Fat Burning Ingredients With Just 1 Cup of MenoSlim Tea Every Morning

All it takes is one cup of delicious MenoSlim tea bag, steeped in hot water for 5-7 minutes, every morning.

By addressing the fluctuating hormone levels… a major factor why so many middle-aged women gain and hold excess body weight…

MenoSlim tea is the go-to solution menopausal women have been asking for.

It’s the secret behind not just Amy, Sandy, Lorelei, Edwana and Monica’s success, but also for…

Thousands Of American Women Love & Use MenoSlim Everyday!

I'm Getting My Figure Back

I don't know about you, but I have tried everything to lose what I call my kangaroo pouch. I work out, I watch what I eat. Nothing works. Tried everything and then I tried MenoSlimThis tea. It is so delicious. And it actually works. I love it. I have one cup every morning, and I have noticed now I'm getting my figure back. Try it.

- Roberta T*

My Cravings Have Been Eliminated!

What's my secret? You asked. I'm telling. MenoSlim by Voomvaya. Boom! That's it! Tastes ahhhmazing! I've seen reduced bloat and my cravings have been eliminated! try it!

- Tammy *

After My 14 Day TeaTox I Lost 10 Pounds!

Before menoslim I had such a pouch in my belly. 6 months ago I gained 10lbs because of pandemic. Nov 16, after my 14 day teatox I lost that 10 lbs. I was shocked how fast it came off. I weighed 130, now my new weight is 120. My husband is amazed!!!

- Jeanette*

17 Pounds Lighter In Just 1 Month!

I didn’t notice the weight loss at first, it was my fiancé of 14 years who after two to three weeks, he kept saying I was losing weight. Then I went to the doctor for a check up and I was 17 pounds lighter in just a month! I recommend this to anyone who is wanting to lose weight and get rid of any menopausal symptoms!

- Melanie*

I Have My Wow Back

Comes in these great flavors. Also helps with my hot flashes and night sweats and body aches and all the stuff menopausal women go through.

- Terri*

It's All-Natural, No Shakes, No Jitters, Definitely Helps With The Bloating

Love that it's all-natural. No shakes, no jitters. It definitely helps with the bloating. Also, my metabolism. It's like my metabolism went to sleep never did wake up. MenoSlim is the real deal. I love this stuff!

- Linde H*

Bloating Has Reduced & I Feel Happy Again

"I'm feeling upbeat, my night sweats and hot flashes are gone. I sleep well through the night. This has definitely helped me with my menopausal symptoms. I've lost 2 pounds so far and this has reduced bloating."*

- Shelley*

I Am No Longer Annoyed By Every Little Thing Anymore

I have control over my body and my mind and I feel human. I'm so grateful I found this product. No more hot flashes, night sweats and those horrible menopause symptoms. I don't have to turn into that crazy woman anymore. And I am really very grateful. You need to give it a try. Thank you, VoomVaya.

- Belinda W*

I'm Energized To take On The Day

I drink one cup as part of my morning routine, and I'm energized to take on the day.

- Aliesha P*

It Has Helped Tremendously With Hot Flashes & Bloating!

It has really helped tremendously with the hot flashes, it has helped with bloating. It's really been a life-saver! Take it from me. If you're really sick and tired of menopause monsters, try MenoSlim!

- Stacy D*

17 Pounds Lighter In Just 1 Month!

My pants fit better, my face is not as puffy as it was. I am perimenopausal and these helped me so much! One positive thing is I didn't have a hot flash... and no side effects. If you want to lose weight... Take it, you're gonna see the biggest difference.

- Jacqueline*

The Bloating Subsided, My Metabolism Sped Up, I Had More Energy!

I noticed the bloating subsided, all that pain went away. My metabolism sped up, I had more energy. Honestly, I felt like my moods were getting better, my mind was getting clearer. I was back to my old self but even better.

- Lilian*

Order Today & Get These Great Gifts For Free!

Free 14-Day TeaTox Booster (RRP $19.00 FREE!)

Kickstart your menopausal weight loss journey with a free 14-Day TeaTox Booster.

Designed to reset your metabolism and reset your hormone levels, this 14 day gentle cleanse helps detoxify your body and flush out all the toxins and waste built up over the years.

Imagine how much easier your journey would be if you had a clean, fresh slate to start off with. This is what the TeaTox Booster is designed to do.

Valued at $19.00, get one for free with any order of MenoSlim tea.

Free 15-Min Consult With A VoomVaya Client Concierge (RRP $27 FREE!)

Like a personal trainer at the gym, your VoomVaya Client Concierge will help you develop your very own personalized Menopause Success Plan.

By taking into account all your needs, your menopause symptoms and your goals, at the end of the consult, you will walk away with:

  • A comprehensive action plan to help alleviate your menopause symptoms
  • A printable calendar to track your progress 
  • Personalized recommendations for your needs 
  • Plus, an additional follow up consult 30 days days later 

100% 60 Day Money Back Guarantee

Every order is protected by an iron-clad 60 day money back guarantee. If you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase, we will gladly return 100% of your investment, every single penny, with no hard feelings.

Take Home MenoSlim Tea Today At A Major Discount

Right now, MenoSlim Tea is available at a substantially discounted multi-pouch plan.

All purchases are a ONE-TIME ORDER ONLY. You will not be charged again next month as there is no recurring billing or hidden charges.


30 Day Supply

Total Value: $58.95

(RRP $27)

(RRP $20.00)

60-Day Money Back Guarantee


90 Day Supply

Total Value: $135.00

(RRP $27)

(RRP $20.00)

  Free USA Shipping!

(RRP $10.95)

60-Day Money Back Guarantee

Best Of All… Try MenoSlim Risk-Free Today With A 60-Day Money Back Guarantee

Not sure if MenoSlim is right for you?

Well, don’t forget you’re covered by a full 60 Day Money Back Guarantee.

Meaning… you can try MenoSlim absolutely risk-free, for a FULL 60 DAYS!

And if for any reason at all you’re not 100% THRILLED with your results, just let us know and we’ll give you a complete 100% refund, no questions asked.

So go ahead, and order today with confidence, knowing you can simply TRY MenoSlim absolutely risk-free, for the next 60 days.

Accelerate Weight Loss Goals Today With MenoSlim Tea & TeaTox Booster!


30 Day Supply

Total Value: $58.95

(RRP $27)

(RRP $20.00)

60-Day Money Back Guarantee


90 Day Supply

Total Value: $135.00

(RRP $27)

(RRP $20.00)

  Free USA Shipping!

(RRP $10.95)

60-Day Money Back Guarantee

Frequently Asked Questions

What is MenoSlim Tea?

MenoSlim Tea is a delicious, natural herbal tea containing scientifically studied ingredients that help women to burn body fat, and support adrenal gland health.

This tea blend was specially formulated to help women with erratic hormone levels achieve hormonal balance.

What are the benefits of MenoSlim Tea?

  • Helps promote metabolism and burning of fat
  • Helps reduce bloating
  • Assists hormonal balance
  • Helps reduce hot flashes and night sweats
  • Helps improve energy and supports memory
  • Helps reduce brain fog
  • Helps to stabilize your mood

Why is the packaging different?

VoomVaya is more than just a name, it’s a mindset…
We want to help you feel great about yourself again – mind, body AND soul!

So we felt we needed to update our packaging to reflect the energy, vibrancy and zest for life!

Each pouch still contains 30 convenient, ready-to-use tea bags. It's enough tea for 30 days. And as a plus, every tea bag is environmentally friendly, plastic-free and allergen-free.

How often do I need to take the TeaTox?

For your first time taking MenoSlim Tea, start with the 14-Day TeaTox, then as soon as you finish that, transition over to the MenoSlim Tea.

After the first time, you can use it again after 3-4 months, or whenever your body feels like it needs another detox.

We recommend no more than 1 TeaTox every 3 months.

How long will it take before I see some benefits?

Some people feel (and see) health benefits within days, but generally speaking, most women see the biggest difference after the 14-Day TeaTox, while using the MenoSlim Tea as a long term fat burning effects are seen. We recommend trying the MenoSlim tea for at least 2 months after usinhg the Teatox.

Do your teas taste good?

Yes! No matter how good for you the ingredients are, we know that if you’re drinking a tea it must taste good.

Which is why with all our teas, we added a delicious natural fruity flavoring to it, giving you the most intoxicating and delicious fruity tea you’ve ever had. You can also add fruit, honey, or other flavoring for a delicious twist.

Will I experience any side effects?

Every care has been taken to ensure the safest possible product and whilst the vast majority of women do not report many issues, every woman is different and it may be possible to experience some side effects.

For both MenoSlim Tea and TeaTox, the most common side effects are mild stomach aches, headaches, nausea and mild diarrhea. If this happens to you, we recommend brewing your tea bag for just 1-2 minutes (instead of the full 5-7 minutes) and gradually increasing as your body adjusts.

If you experience any other side effects or have any other concerns, we recommend speaking to your doctor before starting either tea.

Can I take this if I’m on other medication?

Both the 14-Day TeaTox and MenoSlim Tea are organic and natural, and gentle on the body.

But because of how powerful some of these ingredients are, if you have estrogen dominance or a family history of cancer, we recommend you speak to your own doctor about before starting.

If you have any complicated medical conditions, or are concerned about safety in your specific circumstances, we also recommend you speak to your doctor before starting.

Who should not use TeaTox or MenoSlim Tea?

Both MenoSlim Tea and TeaTox Booster should only be used by women going through menopause. Therefore, we do not recommend consumption by men, children, pregnant or breastfeeding women.

If you are taking any prescription drugs, have a medical condition, or if you have been treated for breast cancer or any other hormone dependent cancer, we recommend you speak to your doctor before trying either MenoSlim Tea or TeaTox Booster.

For California Residents

NOTICE: This product contains Senna Leaf. Read and follow instructions carefully. Do not use if you have or develop diarrhea, loose stools, or abdominal pain because Senna Leaf may worsen these conditions and be harmful to your health. Consult your physician if you have diarrhea or if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition.

Does this product contain nuts?

While we ensure that careful manufacturing practices are followed at all times, this product is manufactured and processed in a facility which may also process peanuts and tree nuts.

Can I drink these teas long term?

MenoSlim Tea was designed to be taken long term. In fact, the longer you drink MenoSlim, the better the results can be, since you are supporting your body's natural ability to reduce fat

As for the 14-Day TeaTox, we recommend no more than 1 TeaTox every 3 months.

I don’t like hot tea, how else can I drink this?

That's the great thing about MenoSlim Tea! It's specially formulated to be extremely flexible.

If you don't like hot tea, drink it as a refreshing cold tea. Or chop up some of your favorite fruits, and turn it into a healthy fruit mocktail!

Do you ship worldwide?

At this stage, we only ship to addresses within the USA.

Do you offer a money back guarantee?

Yes of course. Like with everything you purchase on VoomVaya, you are always protected by a 60-Day Money Back Guarantee.

If MenoSlim Tea does not help you as much as you'd like, simply send the unfinished product back to us, and we’ll issue a complete refund.

I'm still not sure... What should I do?

Then give us a try, because after all, you're completely covered by our 60 Day Money Back Guarantee.

Meaning you can try it for the next 60 days and if it doesn't meet your expectations, simply send the rest back and get a full refund. Which means there's absolutely no financial risk in trying!

Replace Your Usual Cup of Tea With MenoSlim Tea To Kickstart The Menopausal Weight Loss Journey Today!


30 Day Supply

Total Value: $58.95

(RRP $27)

(RRP $20.00)

60-Day Money Back Guarantee


90 Day Supply

Total Value: $135.00

(RRP $27)

(RRP $20.00)

  Free USA Shipping!

(RRP $9.95)

60-Day Money Back Guarantee


  1. "Effect of an herbal capsule on chronic constipation ... - NCBI.", Accessed 27 Jul. 2020.
  2. "Cardamom powder supplementation prevents ... - NCBI." 14 Aug. 2017, Accessed 4 Mar. 2020
  3. "Medical Management of Constipation - NCBI." Accessed 18 Aug. 2020.
  4. "A comparative study on the effect of “black cohosh” and ... - NCBI." 1 Mar. 2018, Accessed 4 Mar. 2020.
  5. "Botanical and Dietary Supplements for ... - NCBI - NIH." Accessed 4 Mar. 2020.